Folklore Games announced their narrative-adventure game, Spiral, will arrive on Steam and Epic for a PC Release + Xbox for console, as a self-published title. Taking players on an emotional journey, this is a story that offers a unique perspective on cognitive degeneration, told by the individual experiencing it. Spiral puts players in the shoes...
Read MoreNobody Wants to Die coming to consoles and PC this year. Critical Hit Games and PLAION are excited to announce Nobody Wants to Die, an interactive noir story set in a dystopian New York City that explores immortality and the dangers of transhumanism. Lose yourself in Nobody Wants to Die’s sci-fi world on Xbox Series...
Read MoreFrench developers DON’T NOD, formerly known as Dontnod Entertainment, have returned with their newest game called Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden. These well-known developers, mostly by their adventure series Life Is Strange, but they also developed games like Vampyr, and their first endeavour Remember Me, bring us an exciting mash-up between an RPG that heavily...
Read MoreToday, Focus Entertainment and DON’T NOD are extremely proud to release Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, the narrative Action-RPG where you take on the roles of two skilled ghost hunters and partners facing challenging decisions with profound consequences for both the living and the dead. Watch the Launch Trailer now and immerse yourself in a...
Read MoreFocus Entertainment and DON’T NOD unveil their Official Gameplay Breakdown trailer for Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden. Discover all the core features of the game before playing this story-driven Action-RPG, which blends compelling and personal narrative with a dynamic combat system. Take on the roles of two skilled ghost hunters and partners facing challenging decisions...
Read MorePet Golem Games is very excited to announce that their studio’s first game, The Cauldron Kids, is out now on Steam and itch! You’re a 6 years old witch and today, you’re home alone: turn the house upside-down, play games with your sister, race to other dimensions and bewitch your plushie! The Cauldron Kids is...
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